
If the death occurs at home:

  1. Telephone the practice who can arrange for a visit to confirm that death has taken place
  2. Contact a funeral director
  3. Arrange to collect a doctor’s Medical Certificate of Death (usually from the practice)
  4. Take the letter to the Registrar’s Office – you can find the details for your local office on the government website along with the deceased Medical Card and Birth Certificate if available
  5. The Registrar will normally issue a Green coloured certificate for you to give to your funeral director who can then make the arrangements for the funeral with you.
  6. The Registrar will also issue a white notification certificate for the DSS. It is a good idea to get additional copies as these are official documents and so photocopies will not be accepted, and you may be asked to provide copies for other organisations e.g. pensions. There is a fee payable for each copy, but it will probably be useful for you to have extra copies to hand as you complete other paperwork.



If the death occurs in Hospital

  1. Contact a funeral director to let them know that their services will be required
  2. Collect the certificate from the hospital and then follow steps 3-6 as above.
  3. Take the death certificate to the registrar’s office for the area in which the death took place along with the deceased’s medical card if available.

You will be given a form to take to the funeral directors who will take over complete responsibility for arranging the funeral.